Potato-Lentil-Rosemary Soup

You don't mind the winter when you can come into this hearty, delicious soup. It's full of root vegetables which are warming and strengthening, and it's full of flavour (rosemary, garlic, onion). Your kitchen will also smell divine!


500g/12oz/2 cups of Lentils, soaked and rinsed

9 or 10 cups of Water

1 medium white Onion, chopped

4 or more cloves of Garlic, peeled and finely chopped

large sprig of fresh Rosemary, finely chopped or two teaspoons of dried herb

4 medium Potatoes diced quite small

Celtic Sea Salt to taste

3 cubes of Best Golden Bouillion or a commercial similar bouillion or homemade broth.

Method for Making Soup:

1. Place the soaked lentils in a large saucepan and cover with the water - bring to the boil while preparing the other ingredients. 

2. Reduce to a simmer and add the onion, garlic, rosemary, potatoes and bouillion or broth. 

 3. You may also add 2 T. beet powder (beet dehydrated and powdered) if you have such a thing. 

4.Simmer for a further 20 to 40 minutes until everything is ready and add the salt.


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