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Brain-Boosting Kale and Pinto Bean Soup

This hearty recipe is an adaptation from one of the "Total Brain Chemical Boosting Recipes" in Eric R. Braverman, MD's book, "Younger (Thinner) You Diet: How Understanding Your Brain Chemistry Can Help You Lose Weight, Reverse Aging, and Fight Disease". 

 The veggies, herbs and spices in this particular recipe contribute to a balanced mix of important brain chemicals: Dopamine,Acetylcholine, GABA and Serotonin. Braverman explains how a deficit in any of these brain chemicals can affect your health in several ways, and a good balance can help you to be slim, youthful, sharp, and serene, among other desirable features.

At this time of the year you can find most of the fresh veggies and herbs either in your garden or at a Farmer's Market! 

Method for Making Soup 

Put into a high-speed Blender and whirl up:

*2 cans organic Pinto Beans (reserve half liquid)

In a large wok or pan, for 5 minutes on Medium-High heat, saute the following in 2 tablespoons of Virgin Coconut Oil or other oil of choice:

*1 small Onion, chopped

*2 small Carrots, diced

*4 cloves Garlic, minced

Stir in the following and simmer all for 30 minutes:

*4 C.shredded Kale

*1 large Sweet Potato, diced

*pureed Beans and reserved liquid

*Water to make 6 Cups Liquid total

Add the following, simmering on low heat for about 1 hour:

*2 C. chopped Swiss Chard

*1 large Tomato, diced

*2 cloves Garlic, minced

*2 tsp. fresh minced Rosemary

*1 T. fresh minced Parsley

*1 tsp. fresh Thyme leaves

*Freshly ground Black Pepper, to taste

Serve with whole grain bread or crustitos, or gluten-free bread


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