Overnight Oats and Chia

Overnight oats with chia with delicious ingredients and fruity toppings

Overnight oats with chia added are a popular breakfast item, especially when it is too warm to eat your favorite hot oat cereal! This is a healthy way to start the day-- the foundation of the breakfast being oats, chia seeds, dairy-free milk, sometimes a vegan yogurt, maple syrup, a pinch of salt, and some kind of delectable fruit, berries, or occasionally chocolate.

This page will grow seasonal berry and fruit recipes over the late Spring of 2024 until we begin eating our usual hot oat cereal in the later Fall.  We have a number of berries and small fruits in our yard on Vancouver Island (off the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada): saskatoons, blueberries, plums, sour cherries. strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and Elderberries. 

Click on the recipe you want to ''JUMP'' right to it:

1. Lime Pie Overnight Oats

Lime & Coconut Overnight Oats


COMBINE THE FOLLOWING in a glass bowl or mason jar, and mix together until chia seeds are evenly distributed throughout, not clumped together:
  1. 1 cup old-fashioned rolled oat flakes (gluten-free if required)
  2. 3 tablespoons chia seed
  3. .5 cup unsweetened coconut shreds (one-half cup)
  4. 3 tablespoons lime juice
  5. 3 teaspoons lime zest
  6. 1 cup plain, unsweetened non-dairy yogurt (I used Yoggu)
  7. 1-2 cups cashew milk (or other non-dairy milk)
  8. 6 tablespoons maple syrup or other sweetener
  9. pinch of sea salt (optional)
  10. Sprinkle of lime zest 
Put a lid on the bowl or mason jar OR divvy out the oats into smaller mason jars with lids. Makes about 4-6 individual portions, depending on the size of the portions. Refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.

2. Lime Pie With Avocado Overnight Oats


YOU WILL NEED A FOOD PROCESSOR OR BLENDER for this delicious version of key lime overnight oats. Add the ripe (not black or over-ripe, if possible) avocado flesh, lime juice, nondairy yogurt, and run until totally smooth and silken.  Combine the other ingredients making sure the chia seed does not clump, and add in the avocado-lime cream at the end of the process,

    1. 1 large ripe avocado, peeled and cubed
    2. lime juice from 2 large limes or up to about 2 ounces of lime juice
    3. .1 cup non-dairy yogurt (I use Yoggu)
    4. 3 teaspoons lime zest
    5. 5 cup coconut shreds (one-half cup)
    6. 1 cup of old-fashioned oak flakes (gluten-free if required)
    7. 3 tablespoons chia seed
    8. 1 cup of cashew milk (or other non-dairy milk)
    9. 4-6 tablespoons maple syrup or other sweetener
    10. pinch of sea salt
    11. sprinkle of lime zest
IF YOU LIKE AVOCADO you will definitely favour this vegan version of key lime pie overnight oats! You will not taste the avocado, but it definitely adds a silky texture and mouth appeal.  Do the combining in a glass storage bowl with a lid and you have an easy process-- or divide the yumminess into small mason jars and put in fridge for 4 hours or overnight. 

3. Fresh Sliced Strawberries and Jam Overnight Oats

Here is our favorite seasonal overnight oats. Of all the fresh berries we have access to in this Garden Province, we most love strawberries! While our own strawberries are sort of poking along this Spring-Summer, my husband found a great deal-- a lost leader, if you will-- on a favorite brand of commercial organic strawberries the other day and we decided that that little basket of big red berries would be dedicated to a couple of batches of overnight oats.

    1. 8-12 large red strawberries, washed, patted dry, and sliced
    2. 1/2 cup or up to a cup of strawberry jam 
    3. 1/2 cup coconut shreds (optional)
    4. 1 cup of old-fashioned oak flakes (gluten-free if required)
    5. 3 tablespoons chia seed
    6. 1 cup of cashew milk (or other non-dairy milk)
    7. 4-6 tablespoons maple syrup or other sweetener
    8. 2 large crushed graham crackers
    9. vegan yogurt would be delicious for a topping, I am sure (optional)
As with the other overnight recipes, I combine the coconut, oat flakes, chia seed, milk, and maple syrup and whisk until the chia seed is organized throughout and not clumped together-- nice and smooth.

 Then I carefully spread the strawberry jam (mine is some I just made-- basically just mashed cooked strawberries and sugar, nothing fancy) over the top of the oats mix. ** You could actually put the strawberry in the bottom of your dish or the individual little jars, like fruit-at-the-bottom of some yogurts. I think I will try that next. Put on a layer of graham crumbs next Then I arrange the sliced strawberries over the top of the oats and graham crumbs (as in picture). 

If you keep your strawberries out of the fridge in a cool room vs. refrigerating, don't slice onto the oats until the morning. 

Put a lid on the oats and put in the fridge for 4 hours or overnight.

Put yogurt on to serve (or add slightly more milk, or maybe cashew cream, if desired). Sooo delicious!

Strawberry Overnight Oats

4. Sour Cherry Pie Overnight Oats

I know that I said strawberries were our favorite little fruits or berries but after eating a bowl of Cherry Pie Overnight Oats, I must pause and think that vote over. 

Several years ago we planted in our front yard, a sour cherry variety called Carmine Jewel. This tiny tart cherry was introduced by the University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon, in 1999. It is a hardy sour cherry that thrives in the challenging Canadian prairie climate.  Bright red when ripe, the Carmine Jewel is super tangy and its juice has the most alluring of all cherry fragrances. The berry is small but packed with antioxidants and other phytonutrients. 

This little orb makes the most flavorful jam, juice, preserves, and pie filling. It freezes well, either cooked or raw, and maintains its bright red hue and its great taste. Almonds, coconut, and of course, chocolate, are great companion ingredients for the sour cherry.

Following is a recipe for both the overnight oats and the sour cherry pie topping, although you might also want to use canned cherry pie filling. The recipe for the topping makes enough for several servings, perhaps 5 or 6, or for a pie.

Delectable, juicy sour cherry overnight oats

Ingredients for the Overnight Oats and Chia with a Sour Cherry Pie Topping
  1. 1 cup of old-fashioned oak flakes (gluten-free if required)
  2. 3 tablespoons chia seed
  3. 1 cup of almond milk (or other non-dairy milk)
  4. 4-6 tablespoons maple syrup or other sweetener
  5. pinch of sea salt for the oats and another for the cherry topping
  6. 600 grams of fresh or frozen sour cherries, pips removed
  7. 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  8. 1 teaspoon vanilla
  9. 4 tablespoons corn starch dissolved in 1 quarter cup of water or cherry juice
  10. 75 grams of white sugar or other powdered sweetener according to personal taste
Mix together the oat flakes, chia seed, almond milk, maple syrup, and of pinch of salt and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.

During the same period, combine the cherries, lemon zest, and cornstarch dissolved in water or cherry juice in a pot at a medium-low temperature. Sprinkle on and stir in salt. Add in vanilla. Stir while the cherries simmer for a few minutes preventing burning or sticking. When beginning to thicken (this happens quickly), remove the pot. Put the cooled cherry pie topping on the overnight oats or in a glass jar or bowl with a lid and refrigerate overnight. (We often prefer to add our topping in the morning). Freeze or refrigerate the additional pie filling for future overnight oats or as a jam or topping for waffles or pancakes.

Low-hanging fruit in the Carmine Jewel Sour Cherry tree. Faux Wasp Nest 

The gorgeous juicy and healthy Carmine Jewel Sour Cherry

5. Overnight Oats with White Pineapple Strawberry Topping

White pine strawberries--pineberries-- not quite as pretty as the reds, but just as yummy and sweet-- and some basil snips and early blueberries-- all covering overnight oats. Happy Summer! Happy Canada Day! 

Ingredients for Overnight Oats with Chia and Pineberries:
  1. 1 cup of old-fashioned oak flakes (gluten-free if required)
  2. 3 tablespoons chia seed
  3. 1 cup of almond milk (or other non-dairy milk)
  4. 4-6 tablespoons maple syrup or other sweetener
  5. Pinch of sea salt
  6. 3 tablespoons shredded unsweetened coconut
  7. 2 graham crackers, broken or powdered
  8. As many pineapple strawberries (or other sliced or chopped fruit) as needed to cover the oats
  9. Top snips of basil plant (leaves) or other greens, as desired (optonal)
  • Mix together the oat flakes, chia seed, almond milk, maple syrup, and of pinch of salt.
  • May divide the oat mixture into three or four medium size mason jars or keep it in a large fridge storage bowl (with a plastic lid)
  • Carefully add a layer of coconut shreds, followed by a layer of broken graham crackers
  • Add a layer of fruit, or defer adding until morning or when intending to eat the oats.
  • Cover with lid(s) and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.

6. Saskatoon Berry Pie Overnight Oats

Saskatoon Berry Pie Overnight Oats. Saskatoons are also called June or Service Berries.

Ingredients for Overnight Oats and Chia:
  1. 1 cup of old-fashioned oat flakes (gluten-free if required)
  2. 3 tablespoons chia seed
  3. 1 cup of almond milk (or other non-dairy milk)
  4. 4-6 tablespoons maple syrup or other sweetener
  5. 2 large crushed graham crackers 
Ingredients for Berry Sauce
  1. 2 cups Saskatoon berries
  2. 1/2 cup water
  3. 1/3 cup white sugar
  4. 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  5. 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  6. 1/4 teaspoon salt
  7. 1/2 tablespoon milk
  8. 2 tablespoons cornstarch mixed with 2 T. water
Additional Ingredients for the Overnight Oats: 
1 cup plain nondairy yogurt (NOT added to sauce)

Making the Overnight Oats:
  • Combine in a medium glass storage bowl: oat flakes, chia seed, milk, and maple syrup. Mix well.
  • Place crushed graham crackers onto the top of the oats
  • Store with lid in the fridge for 4 hours or overnight.
Making the  Sauce:

*Put berries, water, white sugar, lemon juice, almond extract, salt, and milk into small sauce pan and simmer, stirring.
*When the sauce is hot and the berries are quite broken down (maybe 5-10 minutes on low simmer), add in the corn starch mix and stir the sauce for about 5-10 more minutes until thickened. 
*Keep stirring, do not stop until at least 5 minutes is up (keep it from burning). 
*Remove from the heat. 

*When berries have cooled, add a layer of yogurt to the oats, and then spoon on the Saskatoon berry sauce. Voila!
Saskatoon Berry Pie Overnight Oats
is like eating
for breakfast LOL

7. Red, White, and Blue Overnight Oats

Red, white, and blue berries --could be other fruit chunks but we are using
blueberries, white pineberries, and red strawberries here for this festive breakfast!


Ingredients for Red, White, and Blue Overnight Oats and Chia:
  1. 1 cup of old-fashioned oat flakes (gluten-free if required)
  2. 3 tablespoons chia seed
  3. 1 cup of almond milk (or other non-dairy milk)
  4. 4-6 tablespoons maple syrup or other sweetener
  5. 2 large crushed graham crackers 
  6. 1 cup plain non-dairy yogurt
  7. About 2 cups of assorted berries in red, white and blue colors (or other colors of choice)
  • Stir together the oats, chia, milk, and sweetener. Put in the fridge in a container with a lid on it.
  • 4 hours later, or the next morning, put a layer of yogurt on the oats.
  • Over the layer of yogurt place your colored fruits or berries. 
  • Enjoy this sweet, festive breakfast (makes enough for 3 adult servings, or more).
