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Easy Vegan Almond Plum Cake

  This is a recipe for an easy-to-make vegan almond plum cake.  I started out wanting to make an eggless almond yeast cake with Italian plums planted in it like the cake I remembered from my days as a daughter-in-law to a German-born Hausfrau (German-born AND a Lutheran Pastor's daughter). But my husband said he didn't particularly like the yeast cake. So, I found several recipes for vegan almond cake and this one most perfectly suited my available ingredients.  I baked the cake in an 8'' x 8''  pan with parchment paper on it, in a counter oven. You could easily double the recipe and make it in a long pan in a regular oven.  Preheat the oven to bake (350 F. for a large oven or 375 for a countertop oven) 1. Mix together in a measuring cup: 1/2 cup of soy, almond or other milk Juice of 1/2 lime, or lemon, or a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar (Leave it to curdle for about 15 minutes and then add in  1/2 cup of maple syrup 1 teaspoon of Almond extract and stir to co

Grafting on the Old Apple Tree

In March sometime, our son Conrad did a hard prune on our old apple tree. We estimate that it is probably around 40 years old and hasn't been given a trim for a couple of years. 

Then at the end of March, he received 17 different apple scions (shoots of original apple trees) that he had ordered from the Salt Spring Apple Company (which grows over 400 varieties of apples on their farm on Salt Spring Island). He waited for a nice day, weather-wise, warm and sunny, and spent an hour or two using a special grafting tape to wire these little twigs (what they looked like to me) to the branches around the tree. 

He labeled each sion with fridge tape first, and then with metal tags he made from aluminum pop tins and twist-tied them to the branches with their scion. The aluminum tags will continue to be readable after rain (and we live in a rainy area). 

Each apple variety will (ideally) sprout its own little sideways-growing tree, probably in a year or so. The plan forward is to nurture the best grafts and likely to add some more of the successful scions, that is, the ones that produce  good apples.

 I'm not so sure we will have 17 different types of apples growing off this tree, but I guess I will see if that happens or not. I will put a video/short on my organicgrannydotcom youtube site when anything of note happens, and likely on here as well. 

And yes, of course, one of the apple varieties is Granny Smith.



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Yummy 3-Ingredient Organic Breakfast Cookies

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Pan-Fry Carrots (Roast Carrot Sticks)

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Hearty Cream of Tomato - Bean Soup - Vegan, Gluten-Free

If you have only ever eaten Cream of Tomato soup from a can, this will be a tasty coup for you! Here is another wonderful bean recipe adapted from my fave The Great Vegan Bean Book: More than 100 Delicious Plant-Based Dishes Packed with the Kindest Protein in Town! - Includes Soy-Free and Gluten-Free Recipes! .  This creamy tomato-bean soup will fill in the gaps for anyone who feels they just don't have the time or energy to cook up a healthy lunch -- the secret is to pre-cook your beans in a large quantity and freeze them.  Then just assemble your other ingredients and presto, you have a very nutritious base to your lunch in less time than it would take you to order and be served at your typical restaurant. And you will know what is actually IN this soup ! INGREDIENTS: 2 T.      Olive Oil or Vegetable Broth 1/2       Onion , minced 3 cloves Garlic 1 tsp.     Marjoram 1 tsp.     Thyme 1/2 tsp. Smoked Paprika 1/4 tsp. fresh or ground Rosemary 2 C.      no