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Eating a Rainbow (of Carrots)

A few days ago I had some dental surgery and am still chewing gently on one side only. Peas and carrots are a childhood comfort food that I can virtuously squeeze into my healthier-eating adult menu (other comfort foods were chocolate bars and maple-walnut ice cream cones, not what the dentist ordered).

How sweet that my husband picked up a package of organic Rainbow Blend Carrots yesterday!  I've eaten these (pricey) babies before, and not only are they beautiful to look at, but they are truly yummy!

These ones come all the way from California-- but I have a package of West Coast Seeds-- untreated,
Aren't they pretty?  Rainbow Blend Carrots
organic, and GMO-- so that maybe the next time we eat these babies, we'll be doing the locavar thing!

He's out (conversing in Spanish with his weekly group who meet at the Starbucks upstairs in the Courtenay Quality Foods).  I'm hungry and am going to have one of those simple, cut-to-the-chase lunches we may all indulge in from time to time (?).  No salad.  No bread.  No dessert.  But I did make a quick little pretend-cheese sauce to go over the veggies (oh, and I added some brown rice shells into the mix-- this is one of Dr. McDougall's starchavor meals I guess.  Not unhealthy-- maybe not that appealing to people who don't have carrots and peas and rice pasta on their 'comfort food' list.)  Some of you might like it as much as I do!

  1. Prepare the Carrots the way you like them, i.e., boil, steam, stirfry, or maybe put them in a parchment pouch in the oven.  Cook up the peas and pasta.  Combine the carrots, peas and pasta.
  2. Make the Sauce and ladel it over the veggies and pasta.
  3. Enjoy.

The Cheezy Kreem Sauce Recipe (or just use one of your own cream sauce recipes)
  • Assemble the ingredients beforehand-- makes it so much easier to do up quickly!  This is a 'bland' sauce because my post-op instructions forbid curry powder and peppers and anything acidic.  I have no desire to have to get something redone-- like having more sutures in my gums, for example-- so this recipe reflects that.  You, on the other hand, can use what spices you really like.  The ingredients are:  
  • 2 T. Oil (I use coconut... you might prefer olive oil?)
  • 1 1/2 C. non-dairy, unsweetened Mylk (I used Almond)
  • 2 T. Tapioca Starch
  • 12 T. Nutritional Yeast
  • 4 tsp. Dijon Prepared Mustard
  • 1 tsp. Garlic Powder
  • 1/2-1 tsp. Celtic Sea Salt (to taste)
  • scant teaspoon Turmeric Powder (optional, but nice for a yellow-y color & the health benefits)
  1. Heat the oil on medium low for a couple of minutes
  2. Whisk Mylk and starch together in a 2-C. measuring cup until all lumps are gone & it's smooth
  3. Pour mylk  and starch into pan and continue to stir until thickening begins (around 5 minutes)
  4. Add in Nutritional yeast and stir to mix in
  5. Whisk in other ingredients
  6. Continue to stir until it is a nice smooth sauce... if too thick add some water (a little) and stir until the right consistency
  7. Either put sauce in a small sauce dish and let guests ladel on their own or combine it now with the veggies and pasta in major serving dish.


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